Monday 29 March 2010

i want to cry :(

I dont know what it is but im looking at my blog and loads of my images have disappeared, including my header and profile pic but more than that some of the main content of my posts... the blog which ive worked long and hard on over the past few weeks is looking a mess and not at all like the creative uplift i wanted to give you all :( ive looked at the blogger help site apparently theyve had so many reports liket this today theyve closed the thread for discussion/reporting and they have posted it is being worked on on their blog.... but i cant help worry none of it will come back :( how on earth can they rescue thousands of images? :(

Ok I know there are worst things in life that can happen but still ive lost something ive worked on for you and so I feel sad.

House of Istria



  1. It's happened to me too. I feel for you. I couldn't figure out where my header had gone. . . or my pictures. :o(

  2. oh yeahhh i just checked yours, no header photo and some missing ones further down... stupid technology! I so hope they fix it soon :( xxxx

  3. Mine are missing as well. Just hope they come back as quick as they disappeared!

  4. i actually cant look anymore. I think i might get offline altogether for the evening and just hope by tomorrow everything will be back to normal!


  5. Oh noooooooo, I hope they come back soon - I often pop back to refer to your postings.

    Hope all comes back tomorrow.

    Bags Of Swank by SimJaTa

  6. please dont cry, things will work out fine. joyknitt will not forsake your lovely blog, and if anyone else does then they aren't worth worrying about anyway

  7. :) aww thanks joy :) i didnt actually cry... nearly though! :D thanks to all of you for being such loyal blog readers xxx i think it might all be working again now so im off to try and repost my header!

    Sweet dreams all

    House of Istria

  8. Just a thought for readers; you can actually import your blog to your PC and then upload it again to the net...I did this when my blog was attacked by a mad woman a year ago. If we all did that periodically, as a way of backing it up, it could be useful.
